Follow steps below if encountering error:
Automation error: Dynamic link library initialization routine failed
Error source: frmTeams.ConfigTeamsGrid
Error: 2147023782

This error is triggered by the tdbg8.ocx file not being correctly registered.

1. Open Windows Explorer (Windows Start > Computer)
2. Double-click C-Drive > Windows > System32
3. Within System32 folder, find tdbg8.ocx file
Note: If no file exists by that name in that folder, search your computer for files by that name. To search your computer, single-click Computer in list on left, and then type tdbg8.ocx in Search Computer bar in upper-right corner.
4. Right-click tdbg8.ocx file and select Rename. Rename file to tdbg8old.ocx
Note: If you searched your computer for the file, rename all files by that name EXCEPT the one directly in the Windows folder
5. Go to Windows folder
6. Right-click tdbg8.ocx file and select Open With
7. Select Choose Program From List
8. Click Browse and go to C:\WINDOWS\system32
9. Select regsvr32.exe file and click OK