If you have set-up Dual Meet Seeding (Set-up > Seeding Preferences > Dual Meets), but Meet Manager is not using the lanes that you assigned to each team, follow steps below:
  1. Go to Set-up > Meet Set-up to review Meet Style (on the right)
    1. If set to Standard, Meet Manager will not use the dual meet lane assignments
    2. Change to 2 Team Dual or 3+ Team Dbl Dual, click OK
  2. Go to Set-up > Seeding Preferences > Dual Meets
    1. Make sure Use Lane (or Lane/PositionAssignments Above is checked
  3. Go to Seeding from Meet Manager main screen
    1. Click Select All
    2. Click Start Seeding
    • Note: Seeding should now use lane assignments for each team
If one team isn't given any lane assignments for their swimmers:
  1. Go to Set-up > Seeding Preferences > Dual Meets
    1. Look for two versions of team in team list (upper left)
    2. Give lane assignments to other version of team (if two exist)
  1. Go to Seeding from Meet Manager main screen
    1. Click Select All
    2. Click Start Seeding
  • Note: Duplicate teams may be created if team entered prior to importing entries and assigning lanes (if slightly different name or code is used during import)
  • Note: It is better to wait to assign lanes until you have imported the other team's entries. This ensures you are assigning lanes to team with entries