Note: If you have already installed the current version of Meet Manager and Team Manager and are installing additional features, please follow the instructions in article: Additional Feature Installation Web Delivery Instructions
Note: If you already have the current version of Swim Team Manager and are advancing from Bronze to Silver, Bronze to Gold or Silver to Gold, please follow instructions in article: Advancing Packages Installation Web Delivery Instructions
  1. Download setup.exe file in email from Hy-tek Sales
  2. Save .exe file to Desktop
  3. Double-click .exe file to Open installation program
    • Note: If you receive a message to Modify, Repair, or Remove, select Remove. After Remove is completed, open the downloaded .exe file again to install a fresh copy of the program
  4. Once program is installed, open MEET MANAGER through Start menu on computer
  5. In pop-up window, select Web Delivery when asked if you are installing by CD or Web Delivery 
  6. Enter License Code in email from Hy-tek Sales
  7. Click OK