Organization settings allow organizers to adjust primary contact information, organization information, the Credit Card descriptor showing on participant statements, and even how to apply processing fees (passed on to participants or absorbed by organizations). Below are instructions to update organization settings after logging into Swim Manager.
  1. Click Account in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Click Organization under Account Settings (right panel) to reach the Organization settings screen
  • Note: Please contact support to update the Organization name or organization address
  1. Adjust the following sections:
a. Primary contact (all fields are required unless marked as optional)
i. First name
ii. Last name
iii. Phone number
iv. (Optional) Fax number
v. Email address
b. Organization information (all fields are required unless marked as optional)
i. Time zone
ii. (Optional) Tax ID number
c. How you accept payment from participants (all fields are required unless marked as optional)
i. Accepted currency (cannot be changed)
ii. Name appearing on credit card statements
  • Note: The card descriptor always contains ACT* before the organization-specific descriptor (this applies to all ACTIVE Network products)
iii. Accepted payment methods
iv. Processing fee for online registrations
  • Note: Changes to the processing fee may take up to five minutes to take effect
  1. Click Save