You receive emails with the subject ACTION REQUIRED: Open Task(s) Awaiting Approval because there are open tasks pending your review and approval as appropriate. You can follow the steps below to process these items after logging into LeagueOne:
  • Note: Please make sure you are in the same session with the team in the email - click here to change the session
  1. Navigate to Admin > My Tasks > Open Tasks
  2. Select a division, age group, and filter from drop-down lists
  • Note: Filter Types:
  • Affiliation Requests - Requests to affiliate with your organization. Typically this is a team that is requesting to join a league.
  • Roster Approvals - Roster approvals that are assigned to you.
  • Player Transfers - Player Transfer approvals that are assigned to you.
  • Notifications - Notifications that have been sent to you (not used).
  1. Click Apply Filter to view outstanding items
  2. Select the items that you would like to approve or press the Select All button
  3. Click Process Selected button to review the selected items
After you processed these outstanding items and cleared the worklist, you will no longer receive the emails.