If an endurance/race event has express registration enabled, then users are able to register and pay using a mobile device to reserve a spot / multiple spots. Below are instructions to start this first step of the registration process.

1. Locate the endurance/race event from ACTIVE.com using a mobile device and start the registration process
2. Click Select next to the category/distance and price type to register for 
  • Note: Multiple price types can be selected
3. The Select registration type box appears with the following options:
a. Express registration: Pay now and complete registration later. Does not include fees required by the event or registration protection options.
b. Full registration: Pay and complete your full registration now. All applicable registration options, including registration protection, are available.
4. Click Express registration
5. Click Yes, Continue to proceed with express registration for the selected category/distance and price type
6. Users then have two options to complete the mobile registration process:
a. Sign in to your ACTIVE account (recommended )
i. Selecting this link allows the user to login with an existing ACTIVE.com Passport
b. Register as a guest (no sign-in)
7. Enter Credit Card information
8. Confirm or edit name, address, email address
Note: This should be the information of the athlete participating in the event
9. Accept waiver(s)
10. Click Complete

A confirmation message appears showing the order summary, including the following details:
- Order ID
- Order date
- Amount paid
- Message from the event organizers
EXAMPLE: We'd like to remind you that your registration hasn't been completed. Please take some time to complete the form by XX/XX/XXXX to ensure that you're eligible for the race.